Wednesday, 13 April 2016

How to set up SFML with MonoDevelop in Linux, Windows and OSX. (C++/C#)

I'll be using UbuntuMATE, which is a branch of Ubuntu, but this tutorial should apply to any distro or OS, just the steps of downloading and installing the software might be a little different.

Step 1 : Installing MonoDevelop.

First, we'll get our IDE rolling.

-Download MonoDevelop

Just follow the (very nicely) written guide on their website and install MonoDevelop.


On the latest Ubuntu/UbuntuMATE, you only need to do the following in terminal:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade 
sudo apt-get install mono-complete
sudo apt-get install monodevelop-nunit 
And that's that! It should take a few moments and you should have the MonoDevelop IDE installed.

Additionally to install git tools, you can do the following after installing it -
sudo apt-get install monodevelop-versioncontrol
Let's test it by running it via terminal. Type in teriminal:
Viola! If you see the IDE pop up, you're golden. Let's move on to the next step.

Step 2: Downloading SFML.

Now that we have our IDE, let's get our SFML libraries.

-Download the latest SFML package.

Make sure you get the correct package for your OS and your architecture. Read the notes on the website for more info. I suggest going 32-bit packages if you're using Windows.

Alright! We have downloaded our file.
We'll begin by unzipping it.

If you're on linux, chances are you already have an archive manager. Otherwise, I suggest getting 7zip.

The SFML folder should have at least two folders, namely include and lib.
Now, move the SFML folder to somewhere you will remember.
I suggest /home/<yourusername>/Libraries/ or C:/SFML

And we're done with step 2!

Step 3: Setting up MonoDevelop.

Launch MonoDevelop.
We'll now create a new Solution.
 File > New > Solution

Click C on the left, and select C++ and click on Empty C++ Project.
(I'll be using C++, you can use C# or other bindings)

Enter the Name of the project and the location on the disk.

Hit OK.

If it's completely blank, just do View > Visual Design

Add a new file in our solution, make sure it's a C++ file. Call it main.cpp

Copypaste the following code from SFML Linux Guide:
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>

int main()
    sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(200, 200), "SFML works!");
    sf::CircleShape shape(100.f);

    while (window.isOpen())
        sf::Event event;
        while (window.pollEvent(event))
            if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)


    return 0;
Try to build it.

Oh noes! MonoDevelop doesn't know where the SFML files are, and thus cannot comprehend the code and throws out a bunch of errors. Let's fix it.

Go to Project > SFML_template options (Or yoursolutionname options)

On the left side, click Code Generation under Build

Click the Paths tab.

Now, add the path to your
SFML-x.x.x/lib under Library
SFML-x.x.x/include under Include

Click the Libraries tab.

type in one at a time these three libraries and add them.
If you need any other libraries in your project, just add them here.


Hit OK and Save your project.

And run it!

Yay! We've successfully set up MonoDevelop C++ with SFML. Enjoy, and code away~

PS: If you're on linux and mono throws an error regarding gdb on building, just 
sudo apt-get install gdb and you should be good.
Same goes with gcc/g++ if you're getting errors on compiling.

Any questions/comments? Want to thank me or insult me? Want to have a casual chat? Go on, comment below!

Have a good day.

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